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- Close to a hundred years ago this fan was manufactured; just imagine the history this fan has witnessed.
- Rare brass cage!!
- The antique fan is re-purposed as a classy machine age Era lamp.
- Where the fan blades once were, now four vintage style Edison bulbs are in place for a warm unique visual effect.
- The bulbs are secured with heavy duty high quality polished brass light sockets. Sockets are common size.
- The lamp cord is a vintage style red and white hounds tooth cloth covered, with a ground. All surfaces of the lamp are grounded for safety.
- Lamp size and weight: 16" tall 14" wide 10" deep 10lbs
- Electrical components used in the making of these lamps are UL approved.
- All new wiring is secured, safe, and meets safety standards.
- These original fans were a common placement in offices, businesses, stores, and homes across the nation, a bit of history to remember.